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In Person Services at St James'

Sunday Service Times 

8:00 am - Traditional Book of Common Prayer service of Holy communion (every week apart from the 1st Sunday of the month)

10:00 am - Holy communion or Celebration with Baptism (Infant or Adult immersion). There are group activities for children & young people every Sunday morning, apart from the first Sunday of the month, when the services is All-Age style!  In the All-Age Service, children and young people are fully included in what's going on.

6.15 pm - Prayer and Praise.  Periodically we alter the pattern and have a Communion Service or a Memorial Service (the latter is for those who have had loved ones recently die).

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Unable to Join us in Person? 

Catch up or watch live on Sunday at 10 am and 6.15 pm via our YouTube Channel.  

Just click on the button below.

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